Mental Health


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Community Care Behavioral Health Services

What they do: Assist people who have Medical Assistance (the name for Medicaid in Pennsylvania) access behavioral health care (mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and developmental disabilities). Handbooks and county specific resources available in English and Spanish.

Services include home visits, outpatient services, crisis intervention, targeted case management, pre/post natal care managers, and more.

Parents who do not qualify for Medical Assistance can still access resources for their children who do qualify.

Free and confidential, 24/7 hotline for mental health assistance: 1-866-738-9849 (English) or 1-866-229-3187 (Spanish) About CCBH


Student Assistant Program

What: a program provided by True North Wellness to students having difficulty in school due to substance use, depression, or other mental health problems. Assists and refers students to in-school and community resources.

Eligibility: middle school and high school age students

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-8pm and Friday 8:30am-4pm

Where: available in all public schools in PA (virtual/phone consultation due to COVID-19)

Contact: call 717-632-4900 and select Option 2 to speak with one of our Customer Service Specialist

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True North Wellness

If you require immediate help, please call 1-866-325-0339

Services: children/family counseling services, substance use treatment, trauma counseling, emergency crisis, and community support. More information

Eligibility: accepts Medical Assistance (Medicaid in PA), other requirements vary by program

Getting started: Schedule an initial appointment by calling 717-632-4900 or 1-800-315-0951 and select Option 2 to speak with one of our Customer Service Specialist. Due to HIPAA regulations, our staff is unable to respond to client emails.