Education Resources
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ESL Classes
What: Free English classes for adults facilitated by Casa de la Cultura and Gettysburg College students. More information
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm; for information about when the next session begins, use the contact information below!
Location: Gettysburg College, Glatfelter 101.
Contact: 717-382-8116 or send a Facebook message to Casa de la Cultura
Migrant Education Program
What: A program that engages high school students in learning, helps families navigate the school system, and support kids in graduating.
Contact Person: visit this website
Eligibility: Students must be recruited by staff or referred by another agency/community member; move to area in last 3 years; moved at least one school district line; one parent must work in agriculture.
VIDA (bilingual chárter school)
What: A bilingual charter school for kindergarten and elementary students.
Location: 120 E. Broadway, Gettysburg, PA 17325
Contact Person: 717-334-3643
Enroll | Documents to enroll: proof of residence (like a bill), birth certificate (of child), immunization record.
El Centro
What: A free after-school program for students grades K-5 to practice Spanish or English language skills and engage in enrichment activities.
When: Monday-Thursday between 3:30-5:00pm, sessions beginning in September and Febuary.
Where: McKnight Hall on the Gettysburg College Campus
After School
What? Free afterschool program for students K-8
When? Monday-Thursday, 3 hours after last bell
Where? Select Adams / York County Public Schools
Contact Person: 717-338-0300
To register your child, visit the CFY website’s registration page to submit an application!
Summer Camp
When? Camps start in June and run for six weeks. For details about this summer’s programs, call the number above.
College Prep
What: A free program that connects high school students with college mentors to talk about the college process and other post-graduate plans.
Where: Biglerville High School (for Biglerville students, transportation is available from New Oxford High School)
When: One day per week, 3:00-5:00pm, mid-September through mid-May
Contact: 717-382-8116
New Hope: Youth Programs
Our youth programs provide assistance with homework, life skills, recreation, educational activities, and community service activities while promoting positive behavior and values.
Programs include: Baby Bundles, Diapers and Donuts, Reading Corners, Weekly Kids Club, Teen Job Readiness and Employment Program, Dual Enrollment Scholarships for low-income high school students to obtain college credits while in high school, Early childhood education scholarships to high quality Pre-K programs for low income kids, Back Pack supplemental nutrition program, Summer Youth Program, and Back to School Daze Craze.
Scholarships from Casa de la Cultura
What: scholarships for students regardless of age and immigration status; decision is based on financial need, essay responses, and participation in Casa de la Cultura and Migrant Ed programming.
Apply in April and May, more information
Contact: 717-382-8116
MLK Scholarship from SCCAP
What: Scholarships from $100-$1,000 for students who are residents of Adams county, don’t have their Bachelor’s degree, are registered in a 2 or 4 year post-secondary program, and are below 200% of the federal poverty guideline.
Application materials are on their website!
Big Brothers, Big Sisters
What: A mentoring program between youth and others in the community.
Date/place: When and where the families and mentors decide.
Contact: 717-843-0051 or enroll here